Not a breath of air
Photographer: John V Phelan
November 2023Rogers Lake, Old Lyme
We had just played some basketball with my family at the public court at Rogers Lake when I noticed how still the water was. I had to capture that.
Fall day in Banningwood
Photographer: Rochelle Davis (Photo of Distinction)
October 2023Banningwood Preserve
The brightness of the fall sun on the various colors was joyous, along with the life hidden in the pool.
Photographer: Kent Girty
October ‘22Hartman Park – power lines
Came across this yard long fella while enjoying the high rocky outcrops over by the power lines running through Hartman Park. Nature in all its glory. The focus could be better but couldn’t get too close (with my trusty IPhone) out of respect for this wonderful creature.
Winter solstice
Photographer: Kristina White (Photo of Distinction, People’s Vision Award 2023)
12/21/2023Private land
The area where this photo was taken had many significant stone formations and some I believed were connected to the winter solstice. It was exciting to see I was right!!
Regal Beauty
Photographer: Kent Girty
October ‘22Private preserve
Serendipity! This was such a great surprise. Just happened to be looking out the south facing large windows when along came this magnificent and rather large forest inhabitant. I started snapping countless photos as it proudly and slowly walked on by then sat down for what looks like a posed picture. Wish I had my windows cleaned more often…..
Holding on
Photographer: D C
10-17-23Johnston preserve
Amazing survival attached to rock outcropping.
Bireley Bench
Photographer: David Luke
12/30/23Jewett preserve
Blue skies and benches. A great tribute to a woman who did so much for the preserves.
Sunset over Connecticut River from Gillette Castle
Photographer: Jim Arrigoni (Photo of Distinction)
10-25-2023View from Gillette Castle State Park
Hadlyme Ferry crossing the Connecticut River under an autumn sunset.
Mt Archer dam
Photographer: Rochelle Davis
October 2023At intersection of Mt Archer and Honey Hill Lane
The crisp colors and waters made for a perfect fall day.
Flowing Red Fire
Photographer: Kent Girty
October ‘22Jewett Preserve
Saw this flowing fungus emerging from a woodpecker nest hole in a recently fallen great-oak limb. The reds and texture showing up like rapids on a close up focus are as beautiful as fascinating. Difficult to decide on this wide shot versus super close focusing on the details.
We’re hungry
Photographer: D C
12-31-23Hartman park
Hungry squirrels keeping teeth sharp.
Tickseed Sunflower at Eight Mile River
Photographer: Mary Powell StLouis
Sept 2023Private Lyme habitat
This native wildflower known as Tickseed sunflower or Bearded Beggarticks are a nectar source for bees and Monarch butterflies while the seeds are a food source for songbirds and ducks; perfectly placed in the Eight Mile River for many to enjoy.
Enough already
Photographer: D C
12-18-23Mt Archer Road
4 inches of rain over night.
Fall field foliage
Photographer: Kristina White
October 2023Pleasant valley preserve
A burst of color awaits you in the meadows of pleasant valley
Sunrise at the Johnston Outlook
Photographer: David Luke (Photo of Distinction – Honorable Mention)
Johnston Preserve Outlook
Early morning peace…
The fallen leaves and their origin
Photographer: Rochelle Davis
December 2023Private Lyme Habitat
It was fun to see the branches of the trees reflected in the rain water that was cupped in the leaves. I struggled using a macro setting to get the reflection in focus as well as a bit of the leaves.
Morning in Brockway Hawthorne
Photographer: Kristina White
December 2023Brockway Hawthorne Preserve
Taken after one of the rainstorms in December, this photo shows the water coming over the rocks and creating a peaceful pool.