Wild Grapes
Photographer: Tori Harris
06/24Roaring Brook Preserve
Kade exploring the brook bed.
Fun Guys
Photographer: Doug White (Photo of Distinction – Honorable Mention)
October 3, 2024
Ravine Trail, Joshua Town Rd
I laid down and took a selfie next to chicken of the woods fungi on an old log next to the trail to give perspective of its size. Wow. A startling phenomenon of the wilds.
Late Summer at Uncas Lake
Photographer: Rich Sanders (Photo of Distinction)
September 16, 2024Uncas Lake, Nehantic State Forest
With sunny days, cool nights, and leaves starting to change, there's still time for a late summer swim and a look-see above and below the water.
Bumble Bee on Mountain Mint
Photographer: Rochelle Davis
September 2024Private Habitat
The Mountain Mint is a favorite of bees and other small pollinators, who are very good at ignoring the photographer.
late summer milkweed seedpods
Photographer: Rochelle Davis (Photo of Distinction)
September 2024Grassy Hill Preserve
The milkweed seedpods stand up like a candelabra, and as they open, the seeds pop out with their white downy parachute to ride the winds away.
Backyard Sunrise
Photographer: Sharon
Early morning sunrise.
My grandniece was born this morning, I wanted to one day show her the beautiful sunrise on her special day.
Roaring Brook in Fall
Photographer: Kristina White
September 2024Banningwood Preserve
The low water level allows the banks and trees to frame the water creating a calm scene of tranquility.
Trout lily
Photographer: AK Li
AprilBanningwood Preserve
Swamp Milkweed Pod
Photographer: Birgit Musheno
September 23, 2024Private Lyme Habitat
Swamp Milkweed seeds ready to disperse on the breeze from their supporting pod. The parent plant arrived from just such a seed, a surprise and welcome arrival in a new meadow converted from lawn.
Photographer: Birgit Musheno
October 14, 2024Banningwood Preserve
A fallen maple leaf caught by dry fern leaves, illuminated by late afternoon fall sunlight. I was captivated by the recursive curling forms, and the detailed tracery of the leaf structures revealed by the sunlight filtering through.
Amongst Giants
Photographer: Kristina White
March 2024
Pleasant Valley
Looking up makes one feel small but a part of something vast
Butterfly on Mexican sunflower
Photographer: Kristina White
August 2024Private habitat in Lyme
I noticed this butterfly dancing on the flower and realized what a beautiful backdrop!
A double Stack
Photographer: Kristina White
December 2024Brovckway Hawthorne Preserve
the fungi look like shelves waiting for a squirrel to store its nuts for later
Fallen Chestnut Oak Leaf in Selden Creek Preserve
Photographer: Rochelle Davis
November 2024Selden Creek Preserve
The many colors of the leaf, and the small parts eaten by an insect, are a beautiful contrast and show the change that happens in fall.
Danaus Plexippus
Photographer: Kent Girty
August 2024Jewett Preserve
Always loved these fellas as a kid and discovering them in a meadow still brings a smile and that familiar feeling of high summer.
Rainbow Over Falls Brook
Photographer: Andrew Onderdonk
June 2024Back door…233 Hamburg Rd
Brilliant rainbow after light, late afternoon rain
Photographer: Kent Girty (Photo of Distinction)
June 2024Private pollinator garden
Milkweed flowers and buds.
On the lookout for the wonderfully colorful monarch butterfly larvae and was intrigued by this flower and bud set against the green.
Contrasts in spring
Photographer: AK Li
May 2024Jewett Preserve
Honeybee on Stonecrop Sedum
Photographer: Mary Powell StLouis (Photo of Distinction)
September 2024Private Lyme Habitat
Foraging for late summer pollen this honeybee found a bumper crop in nearby stonecrop sedum in Lyme.
Photographer: Dave Brown
June 2024Pleasant Valley Preserve
Wendy learning to be comfortable in the water.
Winter’s Embrace
Photographer: Kerrie Pensiero
January 2024
Brockway-Hawthorne Preserve
Winter hiking can get pretty drab if there’s not much snow. When I saw this snow on the tree stump, it looked like a heart. With a little help from me, I formed it a little better for this photo💕
Northern lights in Lyme
Photographer: Gina McEwen
May 2024At the End of Ellys Ferry, Lyme near the CT river
Northern lights visited us in our own town on May 10th
Photographer: David Luke (Photo of Distinction – Honorable Mention)
Johnston Preserve
Unique distortion and shape of main trunk of this large mature tree tucked away off the trails in Johnston preserve. Amazing that with the distortion in main trunk, it has withstood the test of time and has not fallen -longevity
The Special Thin Rock
Photographer: Michael Lloyd
September 2024Mount Archer Woods – Town of Lyme
There is a really thin rock with shadows from the sun that created the look of a Face on the rock to the left and a skeleton face just above the tip of the thin rock..
Tree at Tiffany
Photographer: Birgit Musheno
January 16, 2024
Tiffany Farm, Sterling City Rd., Lyme CT
Tree in winter viewed from old farm structures, on land under conservation easement for agricultural use.
Northern Lights on Hamburg Cove
Photographer: Gina McEwen
May 2024Hamburg Cove skies at the HCYC
On the weekend of May 10th, the northern lights were visible in our own town/ backyard. Foto taken on Hamburg Cove Yatch Club skies
Springtime Basking – Spotted Turtle
Photographer: Rich Sanders (Photo of Distinction – Honorable Mention)
April 27, 2024
On a Lyme Preserve. Please contact me or ask Jim – do not publish the location.
With habitat stability offered by our preserves it is always a pleasure to visit them. On this spring day a community of spotted turtles, clemmys guttata, was seen warming-up in the afternoon sun. A State Species of Special Concern, observing this healthy group exemplifies the value of our Lyme Preserves.
Welcome to Tiffany’s
Photographer: Lisa Tiffany Simiola (Photo of Distinction)
October 2023Tiffany Farms
A mountain of a man with no days off still gets soft now and then.
Subject: John J. Tiffany III, modern day cowboy
Early morning at the farm
Photographer: Adam McEwen
April 2024Tiffany’s farm
On my way to work
Sumac at Pleasant Valley
Photographer: Sarah Prineas
Dec 21, 2024Pleasant Valley in Lyme
Sumac berries in a snowy field
Mt. Archer Woods – Tulip Tree Grove in Winter
Photographer: Steven Hoyt (Photo of Distinction)
February – 2024
Mt. Archer Woods Preserve
There are actually a couple of tulip tree groves in this group of preserves – one in Mt. Archer and the other bordering the Eno and Mt. Archer preserves. This photo was taken, I believe, on trail AW in the southwest section of the Mt. Archer preserve. I love the forest depth and textures that shine through on an otherwise drab day.
Robin’s Egg
Photographer: Kent Girty
May, 2024Johnston Preserve
Always a delight to see these colorful signs of new life in springtime.
Trail Gift
Photographer: Birgit Musheno
September 23, 2024Pleasant Valley Preserve
A flower token left along the trail one day by an unknown fellow hiker, an uplifting sign of communal joy in nature.
Fall Diadem
Photographer: Birgit Musheno
October 31, 2024Joshuatown Rd. entrance to Brockway-Hawthorn Preserve
A last bit of fall color is highlighted by late afternoon sunshine against the backdrop of a large rock formation.
Ice sheet
Photographer: Kent Girty (Photo of Distinction)
January 2024
Eight Mile River Pleasant Valley
Paper thin delicate ice formation crystallized as the water under it disappeared. Wonderful shapes suspended above the ground on this super delicate formation. Well at least until the pupp steps on them….
A boy and his dog
Photographer: Denise Gravatt
November 2024
Walbridge Preserve
Hiking can be done in all seasons, even hunting season. Just remember to wear your orange!