December 5, 2020
Thach Preserve
Early morning sun sparkles on the pond at Thach Preserve.
Chimney Stack
January 9, 2021
Pleasant Valley Preserve
Finding art in nature – billowing smoke out of a chimney stack.
Two Suns
February 5, 2021
Ravine Trail
The reflection of the sun in the river caught my eye as I was walking down the Ravine Trail.
The Joy of nature’s light
March 2021
Ravine trail.
A beautiful walk on March 13th at ravine trail. A shadow dances across the ground, looking up is this beautiful bird, backlit like an angel, gliding across the sky.
Scenic Selden Creek overlook
Jan. 24, 2021
Selden Creek Preserve
First time visiting this preserve. Had to stop to enjoy the view and try to capture in pictures.