Ashlawn sun blast
Photographer: J. Gourlay
10/2022Ashlawn farms looking east
A slightly contrasted morning sun blast through the fog
Startrails in the northern sky
Photographer: Parag Sahasrabudhe
March 2022Trail 53 observatory
This image is a composite of 200 photos taken with 30 second exposure each. The camera was mounted on a tripod pointing towards the pole star. It shows the movement of Earth around its axis as time goes by. It also shows the light pollution caused by many airplanes and satellites that can be seen crisscrossed over the startrails.
Cold and Wetlands
Photographer: D. E. Frankel
January 2023Ravine Trail
A freezy, watery, wintery pause.
Shadow, Light, Rocks and Woods
Photographer: D. E. Frankel
January 2023
Ravine Trail
An encapsulation of the winter woods in Lyme.M33 in Triangulum
Photographer: Alan Sheiness
Dec 2022Trial 53 Observatory
This is a near neighbor to our Milky Way galaxy. Image taken with a 14” Schmidt Cassegrain telescope.
Golden Refelctions
Photographer: Anonymous
October 2022Hartman Park
The skeleton of a tree downed by beavers leads the eye to a magical refection of the golden sunset light on autumn leaves.
The Ring Nebula
Photographer: Alan Sheiness
Sept 2022Trail 53 Observatory
The Ring Nebula lies in the constellation of Lyra, not far from the bright star Vega. Image taken with a 14” Schmidt Cassegrain telescope.
Fox Hunting Stride
Photographer: Lindsay Pettinicchi, and 860-682-0800
October 2022Selden Creek Preserve, Lyme, CT
Fox Hunting Stride, Selden Creek Preserve, Lyme, CT
I have developed an appreciation for nature and all of my wonderful adventures taking photos reminds me of how important it is to take time to relax and discover things. Nature really matters because it provides awe-inspiring beauty to the world we live in.
Monarch orange
Photographer: Rachel Tomassone
September 2021Private Lyme habitat
Flowers planted especially for the butterflies….so happy to see them here.
Autumn on the 8 Mile River
Photographer: Carie Tonovitz
Oct 20228 Mike River Lyme
Pumpkins in my backyard 🍂
Fox Running
Photographer: Lindsay Pettinicchi, and 860-682-0800
October 2022Selden Creek Preserve, Lyme, CT
Fox Running, Selden Creek Preserve, Lyme, CT
I have developed an appreciation for nature and all of my wonderful adventures taking photos reminds me of how important it is to take time to relax and discover things. Nature really matters because it provides awe-inspiring beauty to the world we live in.
When Green Meets Red, Shadow & Bright -Jewett Lyme
Photographer: Della Fong
April, 2022Jewett Preserve Lyme
When Green Meets Red, Shadow meets Bright!
Pleasant contrast of color red & green, shadow & light, under the spring sun of Jewett Preserve
Nature’s Puzzle
Photographer: Kristina White
December 2022Brockway Hawthorne PReserve
Came across these fallen trees and thought how strange
Autumn reflections
Photographer: J. Gourlay
10/2022Pilgrims landing towards lyme
A post sunset shot using low level image reflectivity and light absorption from the available seasonal colors. The shot is taken from pilgrims landing over the southern part of lords cove/creek on the border between Lyme and old Lyme.
Under the Cedars
Photographer: Kristina White
December 2022Pleasant Valley
Grassy hill garden spider
Photographer: Rochelle Davis
September 2022Grassy Hill Preserve
This yellow garden spider had created a large web among the grasses and goldenrod of the Grassy hill preserve.
Pileated Pleasure
Photographer: anthony irving (Photo of Distinction)
Took a look out my bedroom window and there they were.Frozen pool
Photographer: Faith Keel
Jan 2023
Grassy Hill Preserve
Frozen pool in the preserveYouth (17 or younger)
Photographer: Alan Sheiness
Nov 2022Trail 53 Observatory
The planet Jupiter. Image taken with 14” Schmidt Cassegrain telescope.
Autumn on the 8 Mile River
Photographer: Carie Tonovitz
Oct 20228 Mile River, Lyme
Pumpkins in my backyard 🍁
The green doily
Photographer: Rachel Tomassone
October 2022Private Lyme habitat
My eye was drawn to this cute little nature made art piece 💚
Elephant trunk nebula
Photographer: Parag Sahasrabudhe (Photo of Distinction)
September 2022
East Lyme residence
Image of Elephant trunk nebula from the constellation of Cepheus. This star forming region is about 3000 light years away from us. The elephant trunk contains several “young” stars that are less than 100,000 years old. This is a composite of about 2 hour long exposure taken with 5 minute sub-exposures.
Cemetery Tree
Photographer: Faith Keel (Photo of Distinction)
Jan 2023
Grassy Hill Preserve
Sassafras tree on edge of cemetery
Youth (17 or younger)Princess Pine
Photographer: Faith Keel
Jan 2023
Grassy Hill Preserve
Grove of Princess pineYouth (17 or younger)
Young forest in fall
Photographer: Rochelle Davis (Photo of Distinction)
Oct 2022
Private Lyme Habitat
Late fall hike as the sunsetOrion the hunter
Photographer: Parag Sahasrabudhe
March 2022Trail 53 observatory
A long exposure photo of the constellation, Orion. The brightest stars, Betelgeuse (top left) and Rigel (bottom right) are seen along with many many more that can’t be seen with naked eyes as they are dimmer. We can also see the famous Orion Nebula and flame nebula in this image.
Sharing Life
Photographer: D. E. Frankel
January 2023
Ravine Trail
A younger tree clings to an elder.Dahlia Sparkle
Photographer: Rachel Tomassone
November 2022Private Lyme habitat
Sunset through the Trees
Photographer: Anonymous
December 2022Eno Preserve
The last light of a December day is magical in the woods.
Photographer: Kristina White
December 2022Pleasant Valley Preserve
the fields of Pleasant Valley are always changing with the seasons and reminds me that change is important to grow.
Mushroom in the Sunlight – BW
Photographer: Lindsay Pettinicchi, and 860-682-0800
October 2022Selden Creek Preserve, Lyme, CT
Mushroom in the Sunlight – BW, Selden Creek Preserve, Lyme, CT
I have developed an appreciation for nature and all of my wonderful adventures taking photos reminds me of how important it is to take time to relax and discover things. Nature really matters because it provides awe-inspiring beauty to the world we live in.
Photographer: J. Gourlay
11/2022Plimptons preserve
This shot was taken post sunset with ominous message, “time to go home and allow the return of the night creatures”
Twice the twilight
Photographer: Rochelle Davis
November 2022Private Lyme Habitat
The pond reflected the colors of the sunset