Hartman park
Hungry squirrels keeping teeth sharp.
Fall 23
Holding on
Johnston preserve
Amazing survival attached to rock outcropping.
Enough already
Mt Archer Road
4 inches of rain over night.
October ‘22
Hartman Park – power lines
Came across this yard long fella while enjoying the high rocky outcrops over by the power lines running through Hartman Park. Nature in all its glory. The focus could be better but couldn’t get too close (with my trusty IPhone) out of respect for this wonderful creature.
Regal Beauty
October ‘22
Private preserve
Serendipity! This was such a great surprise. Just happened to be looking out the south facing large windows when along came this magnificent and rather large forest inhabitant. I started snapping countless photos as it proudly and slowly walked on by then sat down for what looks like a posed picture. Wish I had my windows cleaned more often…..