February 20, 2022
Young Preserve
The bare trees in winter allow for a different view while the branches make a nice contrast with the sky.
Winter 22
Hartman Park
December 12, 2021
Hartman Park Preserve – Red Trail
Interesting-shaped rocks, an amazing tree growing in between, all in the light of a peaceful sunset.
Frozen Stream
January 23, 2022
Selden Creek Preserve
This was a cold, sunny day, with awesomely clear light. It was the day I finished hiking all of the Lyme Preserves and the Quest for the Quote.
Winter Light on the Ravine
January 21, 2022
Ravine Trail
Near the spot where I took this picture of the Ravine, I met three hopelessly lost elderly hikers. Once they got over my fearsome appearance with my face wrapped in a Moroccan wool shawl against the day’s cold, they were relieved to find that I had a map on my iPhone and could show them the way back to their car.
Bewitching Winter Woods
January 17, 2022
Chauncy Eno Preserve
This was the day I finished hiking the Moore Trail. It was a gray day witch gave the woods a hauntingly bewitching quality.