August 2022
Pleasant Valley Preserve
The sunlight shone the perfect circle and the waiting spider.
Photos of Distinction
Tiffany Farm
June 2022
Tiffany Farm
Haying season at the Farm.
Tree highlighted in overcast skies
June 2022
Pleasant Valley
From the Walk with Joe Standart
Vernal Pool Reflections
April 23, 2022
I took this photo on a LLT group hike led by Tony on April 23rd to see salamander eggs in the vernal pools of the Johnston preserve. I love reflections as they are windows into another world. In this case, the subtle colors hint at the coming of spring, while looking back to the fall.
May 4, 2022
Private land
The blooming of our native dogwoods [Cornus florida] mark spring for me. Peppered throughout old farms and Lyme’s preserves, dogwoods seem to be honored members of our community. This single last blossom, surrounded by the new leaves that will nourish the tree, serves as a reminder to celebrate their beauty.