June 9, 2022
Pleasant Valley Preserve
This newly emerged white oak leaf gives one a sense of hope and renewal. The rosy color is a beautiful contrast against the surrounding springtime green.
Beaver Art
April 2022
Hartman Park
I love the contrast of the dramatically lit orange of the beaver-stripped tree trunk against the deep blue of water. Beaver activity at Hartman Park is endlessly fascinating. There is always something new to see.
Jewels of melting snow
December 2021
private land — pollinator habitat
The tiny grass caught the melting snow like a jeweled string.
Milkweed Snow
December 2021
private land – pollinator habitat
This huge field of common milkweed sends out its seeds on snow-like fluff in the fall. In this image, the seeds hang on through the winter snow.
Looking down and up
March 2022
private land – habitat
The half frozen pool of water and leaves reflected the canopy of bare trees above, connecting the source of the leaves and the roots of the trees in one photo.