Feb 2021
Chestnut Hill Preserve
Me and my daughters set out to notch another hike for the 52 and found ourselves in traversing fresh snow with the warmth of the sun in our face. My youngest stopped for a moment to soak it in and I snapped a quick pick with my iPhone. Great hike and a great day!
Feb 2020
Hawthorne Brockway
Hiking in February with a nice chill in the air and just an impending a snow storm. I walked down into the ravine and the morning sunshine streaking through then trees created this ominous glow. A must shot!
January 2021
Selden Creek Preserve
This whole area feels “prehistoric” to me as if huge animals from the past knocked down the trees with a simple fling of their massive tail.
Or simply they lie in wait for their prey.
Shadow and Glory
November 2020
Pleasant Valley Preserve
Pup in shadow with a blaze of glory behind him
Neon Green
December 2020
Ravine Trail
Hiking the Ravine Trail with my sister, I came across a squirrel’s stash of acorns.